Thursday, October 12, 2006

Portland immigration rights coalition disappointed with legislators


"We need a solution, not a fence." Says the Portland immigrants right coalition denouncing the recently passed secure fence act passed by the Senate last week.

The plan passed by Congress is to build a fence along 700 miles of the Mexican border.
we would not need a fence if immigrants followed the rules


Anonymous said...

Need a solution, not a fence? I thought that's what a fence was! Fences make for good neighbors. Rather than shoot someone for trespassing, a fence directs someone to the logical place by which to enter someone's personal property, ie: the front door.

Most civilized people will knock on said door and ask for permission to enter. This should be followed by respecting the house one enters and abiding by their rules. Even to the point of leaving when the property owner politely tells you it is time to leave.

Anonymous said...

Illegal aliens are anything but civilized.
A fence isn't enough, you also need to set up shooting points and kill anything that gets too close.
This is our country, this is our home to defend at all costs.
Our men and women could practice by shooting rabbits etc. for tonights stew.