Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Before you vote yes on that tax measure...

Lane County assessment and taxation--

... your 2006-07 property tax statements will be arriving in your mailbox soon.
Property taxes are expected to go up 4.6% this year raising the property tax total from 2005 to $335.4 million to $350.8 million dollars for 2006.

Taxable income in Lane County has increased by 4.85% over last year from $21.3 billion in 2005 to $22.4 billion in 2006.

Factors for the increases include a continuation of tax levies, increased in assessed in real market values and the addition of new construction.
" About 49 percent of your property tax dollar goes for education; 34 percent goes to cities; 3 percent goes to fire districts; and 5 percent goes to other districts such as ambulance, library, and water districts. Lane County keeps only about 9 percent of each dollar collected. "

In comparison, in the city of Eugene, a medium assessed value in 2006 of $143,135 would pay $2751 versus $2645 in taxes on a medium assessed value in 2005.


Bobkatt said...

This has always puzzled me. With the property values going up like a rocket, why do we always need new taxes? It seems that they have a built in inflation factor as long as property taxes go up.
I have a lot of problems with measure 20-114. First is the misleading way they describe it on the ballot-"Shall County Charter limit income taxes, dedicate revenues to public safety, and provide property tax relief and a reserve?
Gosh that sounds great, no mention of a new tax at all. And how do you limit something we don't even have yet?
Second, income from PERS and Federal retirement is not taxed by law-how is that fair?
Third, if I have this right, if you pay property tax in Lane County you can deduct the income tax from your property tax amount. It seems that you will be taking money from the city, schools and county to give it to the county. Is this correct, then why do we need a new tax? Help.
Unless convinced otherwise, I'm voting no and I work for Lane County.

Robin said...

someone I used to work for had a saying regarding business and budgeting...

"Right pocket, left pocket... it is all the same pair of pants."

And this is what we hear a lot about state and local budget...
department "A" does not have enough money and has to cut, while department "B" has a surplus and spends more to get more money next year.

In short, it seems like we don't have enough money for the essentials, such as public safety, however, there's always money [it seems] for non-essential feel-good programs. E.g. what we need versus what we would like to have.

So unless we have a system in place that can provide better accountability for the money that we vote for, and guarantees that it will go for what we vote for... there is no way that I will vote in favor of any bond measure.

The question is, $29 million for public safety? What are we getting for our money? And does this also has up to do with the upcoming Olympic trials?

Anonymous said...

If almost half of the tax money is going to education, why are our schools and children in such sad shape? Because the money is going into the wrong pocket. I'm inclined to think there is more than a right and left one. It would be nice if all the hundreds of people that register to vote, would actually vote. I still think we need a revolution!