Sunday, October 08, 2006

Mexico plans to challenge the US border fence through the United Nations

The Sydney Morning Herald--

Foreign Secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez says the plan to put up a fence between the US and Mexico was offensive.
"Without a doubt, we are examining, with foreign relations legal team, what options are open at an international level and we will take them."
The outgoing Mexican president, Vicente Fox called the plan "shameful" and compared it Berlin Wall.
"There's no money to build it, so it won't be built," Mr Fox's spokesman, Ruben Aguilar, said, the U.S. Congress was unlikely to approve enough funding to finish project.
" Mr. homeowner... please do not construct a fence and lock the front door to keep me out... I need to make a living too." Said the burglar.
Isn't that the most ridiculous thing that you have ever heard?


Bobkatt said...
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Bobkatt said...

Gosh a threat from Mexico to go to the U.N. That's got to make you nervous. I just wish Bush would use some of his bullshit bravado to tell Mexico to go to hell. Unfortunately he is busy signing agreements behind our backs to give parts of the U.S. to them. When the general public finally sees what is behind the Nafta superhighway and Mexican port authority in Kansas City they will shake their heads in wonder at what happened while they busy arguing about pedofiles in Congress and who outted Valerie Plame.
I wonder if the union member that loose their jobs in the American ports and the teamster truckers that find they are no longer needed when the Mexicans are driving clear through this country to Canada will still support the union bosses that sided with the day labor groups.
Support the collaspe of your country-buy Chinese goods shipped to a Mexican port delivered to your Walmart by Mexican truckers. Just doing jobs that Americans won't do.

Robin said...

the mouse that roared

Anonymous said...

If the UN can't stop countries from using nukes what makes Mexico think they will stop a fence from being built? I grew up next to the Berlin wall and what is being propsed here is not even close.

Anonymous said...

You have to be kidding me. Mexico thinks they have a right to decide our border security policy. George Bush's support for amnesty has fueled this. It has led the Mexican government to feel entitled to a say in American domestic politics.

In summary, Mexico can find the nearest lake and jump in it.

Anonymous said...

Mexicans DO have a say in our politics as they are able to obtain documentation and vote. Bush should be exiled.