Friday, October 13, 2006

group claims NAFTA to blame for the lost of 68,000 jobs in Oregon

Statesman Journal--

Backed by opponents of the expanding US free trade pacts released a study "faces of free trade and job loss," Tuesday that blamed outsourcing and foreign competition for draining 68,000 jobs from Oregon.

" "When they passed NAFTA in '93, they promised that, in Oregon, they would create 3,500 jobs in five years. That is a broken promise," Tom Chamberlain, president of the AFL-CIO of Oregon, said at a briefing for the study. Oregon lost 40,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector alone as a result of "lopsided trade agreements, "

The job loss estimates any Oregon Fair Trade Campaign study are more than double of those tracked by the US Department of Labor. The group estimates are higher because the study includes job categories that are not covered by the Labor Department's trade adjustment assistance program.
when the plant I worked for closed three years ago, the state employment office said they were special benefits for those whose jobs were lost because of NAFTA. The question is, if NAFTA is so great for Oregon... then why is there a special category for those who've lost their job because of it.


Anonymous said...

According to Bush, he created 100,000 new jobs and the economy is growing. Of course he also said he cut the deficit in half. I think he forgot to add in the billions we spend on war and he didn't count the thousands of jobs that went to the wayside when the auto manufacturers cut their workforce. I lost count on how many of his cabinet did the 'cut and run', but it should be an indication of his failed policies. George needs to be investigated.

Bobkatt said...

I would like to ask Mr. Chambers why the AFL-CIO has deside to side with the Day Labor Centers to steal jobs from union and non-union workers. Where are the unions that used to stand up to strike breakers and scabs. They're great at collecting dues and wasting them on their Democratic causes. I'll tell you where they are, they're running scared and siding with the enemy in order to protect their own salaries.
While George Bush certainly bares a large responsibility in destroying our middle class don't forget the entire Congress also rolled over on us not to mention the multinational corporations.