Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bradberry: "of more than 10 million votes cast, only 10 prompted investigation into citizenship..."

The Oregonian--

With the governor's race in full swing, Ron Saxton's new TV ad about the population of the illegal aliens in Oregon makes up "Oregon's second-largest city" by population is starting to ruffle some feathers.
Secretary of State Bill Bradbury charges Saxton with "spreading false and unverified claims" about illegal immigrants vote in Oregon.
" "I looked at the past 15 years of general elections," Bradbury said. Of more than 10 million votes cast, only 10 prompted investigation into citizenship, he said, and of those 10, only two were prosecuted. "

This is not surprising considering that illegal aliens are eligible to register to vote under Oregon's motor voter program at the DMV where until recently, the status of your citizenship was not a requirement in obtaining a driver's license.

Of course it is not surprising that many Latino organizations are also upset about Saxton's ad
" "He's promoting fear and discrimination and xenophobia so he can't be serious about winning the governorship. It's a sign of desperation when you have to go to that level, " said Ramon Ramirez, executive director of Oregon's tree planters and farmworkers union

just like Mexico's former President Fox did not like the idea of us putting up a fence on the border either

Jim Ross, campaign manager for Kulongoski, claims that the new ad is "right out of the Republican playbook," referencing that he [Saxton] is not getting any traction with taxes so he switched immigration.
In my opinion, I think Saxton is saying what a lot of people in Oregon and and the US are thinking but just have been afraid to say from being "politically correct" programmed that this is something that you do not speak of for fear of offending someone.

Illegal immigration is a real issue that can no longer be ignored if we value the security of our nation; we have to take a stand now and start enforcing our laws, and ignoring this issue is not going to make the problem go away.


Bobkatt said...

If you don't look then you don't find. Bradberry is a joke and needs to be replaced as soon as possible. He also claims to not know anything about the 80,000 bogus drivers licenses that issued in Oregon by the Robleto crime family in Portland. He's a liar and has no business running Oregons elections.

Anonymous said...


Scottiebill said...

Billy "Guillermo" Bradbury, Teddy's Faithful and Obedient Toady, is so obviously following the party line here. There is only one reply that can be made in addressing his comments :"BULLS--T!"

Bobkatt is right. He needs to get out of office as soon as possible and join Teddy in the unemployment line after November 7.

Anonymous said...

We need fresh blood in people who are normal citizens instead of career politicians carrying on the family business. This is supposed to be a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people, however I don't see it happening.