Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Invasion from within Wins Another Victory

US news wire

Washington -- in a sharp break from American tradition, the Denver public library is promoting a plan that would make seven of its branches "Spanish focused," banishing English language books to the back room. Lincoln is turning over in his grave right now the "languages and learning" plan would dramatically increase Spanish-language offerings and staff, designating some locations as Spanish dominant.
"Denver's action is a dubious first American history: a major US city is creating a public institution that intentionally excludes native-born Americans,"explained Mauro E. Mujica, chairman of the board of U.S. English, Inc. "This action goes against the model of assimilation that has successfully served the United States for centuries." treason, I have been telling you it is starting!

"In a nation of immigrants, focusing on a single non-English language is the type of favoritism that we should have abandoned years ago. The taxpayers of Denver -- residents who speak 68 languages -- should not stand idly by while their money goes to support immigrants from El Salvador or Colombia over immigrants from Vietnam or Egypt."

Using their own words, it is favoritism towards one particular language that is not the common language of the country.

Again, I sound like a broken record, but this is only the beginning.

If you do not speak Spanish now, better learn... otherwise, you will not know what people around you are saying.

Moreover, if you were thinking that I am being funny, wakeup!

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