Thursday, August 25, 2005

Local Governments Watch For Overgrown Lawns


TOWSON, Md. -- Sophia Jennings keeps her eyes open for overgrown weeds - and the owners of the yards that have them.
Jennings is a Baltimore County code enforcement officer. She's armed with a tape measure she uses to check on residents who are not in compliance with rules about overgrown lawns.
In most area jurisdictions, letting grass grow more than a foot high, or 8 inches in Baltimore city, is against the law.
In some jurisdictions, the grass "cops" come in the form of code enforcement officers. In others, public works officials or environmental health workers are assigned to the task.

That is not a problem here in Lane County... more and more homes are letting their lawns die (including mine) because of all the taxes that are attached to our water bill, we can no longer afford to water own lawns.

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