now I am no expert on the Constitution, but for some reason I kind of thought that it was Congress's job to... oh, I don't know... run the country?
So why is Congress spending our tax dollars and their limited time holding congressional hearings whether or not a a baseball player took performance-enhancing drugs.
I mean, wouldn't that be more of a Justice Department inquiry instead of Congress?
I was really shocked the other morning when I was listening to Glenn Beck when he mentioned that one of the sponsors, Gold line international was being called before a congressional hearing.
"Goldline rips off consumers, uses misleading and possibly illegal sales tactics, and deliberately manipulates public fears of an impending government takeover,"
Isn't that what just about every candidate says to get elected?
like I said... I'm not an expert on every government function, but on the surface it just seems that there are a lot of things that Congress is having hearings about that really should be left to the lower courts.
Just my opinion
Or the people! Congress wasn't meant to be a full time job. They were expected to return to the states and live among the people so they could do what was best for the people of the state. Also, the pay was to be very low or non-existent so that people would not make a career of being a Congressman. George Washington took no pay for being the President, Commanding General of the Army, or being a member of the Constitutional Congress.
Hi Robin,
Your blog post is 2.5 years out of date. Congress has not held baseball/steroid related hearings since early 2008. Yes, it was a waste of time. No, it is not happening now.
Hi Robin,
Congress is considering legislation that will affect companies like Goldline . This is exactly what congress is supposed to do: make new laws.
In the article you link to, Goldline is quoted as protesting that they have not been contacted to tell their side of the story. If Goldline has been asked to appear before Congress, then they will get a chance to explain "their side of the story" .
Whether or not they actually want to appear, it makes sense for Congress to talk to them before passing laws that affect them and their ilk. Nothing shocking about that.
in addition to Congress spending time regarding athletes taking drugs as an example, how about inviting comedian Stephen Colbert to testify on farm immigrant workers At the request of Congresswoman Lofgren?
Colbert commented, "I don't want to eat tomatoes picked by a Mexican. Instead, I want it picked by an American, sliced by a Guatemalan, and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian"
I am sure that it was very entertaining for Congress on OUR time.
The only time the committee seemed to laugh is when Colbert was making fun of Congress and Washington. Only an elitist self-righteous idiot would need to take a day working in the fields to determine that it is hard dirty work and be thankful he doesn't have to do it for a living. I did that when I was in my teens.
More congressional silliness.
Thanks for the tip BK.
I can really have fun with this one. :-)
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