Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Memorial Day... and why should I care?

Robin's commentary --

"Why should I care... is just another day off."

That was the answer that one of my coworkers gave to me as we were talking about Memorial Day.

"What is it, and why should I care?"

Her response stunned me as I was very surprised that somebody actually did not know what Memorial Day was all about, and I got to thinking about what they teach in schools nowadays.

Perhaps, that's part of the problem in today's society... is that we have forgotten our roots, our history and our patriotism to our country.

Thankfully, there are still those who are patriotic enough to volunteer to go into our military services to protect our country and to give their lives for our country sadly, their services are only to be remembered by beer and football.

to those that serve and to those who have given their life, I say thank you.

for more information regarding Memorial Day, please check out this Wikipedia site.


ZZMike said...

"... and I got to thinking about what they teach in schools nowadays."

That says it all. It's up to parents to tell your kids about what this country means.

The problem is, too many parents went through those schools.

Bobkatt said...

I have just began reading "The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. This huge well documented book does an incredible job of pointing out that the disaster we have in public education today has it's roots as far back as pre-World War I and what a well orchestrated and funded effort it is.

tnr said...

That's why my child is in a private christian school!