Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It is a privilege...


"Under the new rules introduce in July 2011, anyone from outside the EU applying for a visa to join their spouse or partner will have to prove they have a basic command of English, to help them get by in daily life, before their application is approved.

The home secretary said: "I believe being able to speak English should be a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to settle here. The new English requirement for spouses will help promote integration, remove cultural barriers and protect public services. "It is a privilege to come to the UK and that is why I am committed to raising the bar for migrants and ensuring that those who benefit from being in Britain contribute to our society. "

"it is a privilege... you know, that is what it should be, a privilege to come and live in the US.

and it is for the people that take the time and money to come here legally and they are most welcome here.

however WE as a nation have cheapened that privilege by allowing just anyone to enter the US illegally and spat in the face of those who truly make this country their home and for what it stands for.

for those that think 1070 is tough, check out other countries. just asking for your ID is nothing.

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