Sunday, May 28, 2006

The aftermath of the Senate's immigration bill

Arizona once again takes action against illegal immigration by approving a bill on Thursday that would criminalize the presence of illegal aliens in Arizona. The bill would set fines for businesses that continue to employ illegal aliens after receiving warnings.
"The plan would resurrect a proposal to criminalize the presence of illegal immigrants by expanding the state's trespassing law to let local authorities arrest those who sneak into the country. "
the first offense would be a misdemeanor punishable to six months in jail and subsequent offenses would be a felony carrying a sentence of at least three years in prison, in addition, the bill would require businesses to fire employees who social security numbers are invalid and penalties as high as $5,000 and the suspension or revocation of business licenses if the employer fails to stop hiring illegal immigrants. source Newsmax

as some predicted after the passage of the Senate bill, illegal immigration is on the rise according to Representative James Sensenbrenner, on NBC's "Meet the Press,"...
thoughts of amnesty is actually increasing the flow of illegal immigrants across the border as we speak," Sensenbrenner said, "in reaction to the high numbers, Mexican officials have redeployed some of their security forces into the desert on the Mexican side of the border to prevent Mexicans trying to cross the border from either starving or being dehydrated."

source News Max

And when you think that things couldn't get any crazier about selling out America to the illegal immigration, there is talk that we have to get permission from Mexico in order to build a fence?!?.
is that nuts or what? [excuse me Mr. burglar, may I please buy a lock for my front door to keep you out?]

"To think that we would build a fence without any conversation or consultation with Mexico -- that doesn't make sense," Senator Dick Durbin told "Fox News Sunday."
Durbin explained: "good fences make good neighbors."

that may be true in theory, but it still doesn't prevent the kids from climbing over and jumping into the swimming pool.

The amendment that was slipped into the Senate bill by Senator Chris Dodd mandates consultations with Mexican officials before construction begins.

So if you don't think that these people are not selling out America, read the following closely...
" CONSULTATION REQUIREMENT -- Consultations between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels concerning the construction of additional fencing and related border security structures along the United States-Mexico border shall be undertaken prior to commencing any new construction, in order to solicit the views of affected communities, lessen tensions and foster greater understanding and stronger cooperation on this and other important issues of mutual concern "

Source News Max

Fortunately, not everybody in the Senate feels that the passage of amnesty for illegal aliens is a good thing. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) stated in a press release on May 25, 2006,
"today, the U.S. Senate has the largest illegal alien amnesty in American history. It is bad for our national security, it is bad for the American workers, and it sends a very bad message to those waiting legally for a chance at the American dream...."

Tancredo's web page

At least in my opinion, Arizona has the right idea. The first thing you have to do is secure the borders and get control over the situation. Then, and only then can you even begin to start talking about changing the immigration laws.

My hope is when the dust settles, that the people in our government who have shown their true colors by selling out America, will be voted out of office.

We are being invaded, and we have welcomed the invaders with open arms and slapped those in the face on this Memorial Day those brave men and women who have fought and died for our freedom.


Anonymous said...

I think I might have to move to Arizona

Anonymous said...

And now the state of Arizona will have to pay to house (jail) all the illegals. I don't see an up-side. Our justice system is already killing the tax payer. Instead of educating people so they don't do criminal things, we build more jails and continue to foot the bill for the bad guy. And let's see, in jail you get heat AND air-conditioning, 3 square meals a day, showers, library delivery service, gym facilities and cable TV. If I was an illegal I'd go where the jail is the best.

Scottiebill said...

A friend emailed me with a great solution to the illegal alien problem:

Dig a deep moat the entire length of the Mexican border.

Use the dirt to add to the levees in New Orleans.

Fill the moat with water and introduce Florida alligators into the moat.

Problem basically solved.

Anonymous said...

I believe the American People should be able to decide the issue of amnesty by a national referendum .. there is a person collecting signatures for this

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