Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dunkin Donuts takes steps in fighting illegal immigration

Boston Globe--

"We follow the law! This company hires lawful workers only." Reads the sign at Dunkin' Donuts.

Dunkin' Donuts is requiring all of its franchises to participate in the Basic Pilot Program, which allows employers to verify a worker status using an online database from the Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland security.
Dunkin' Donuts chose to participate in the program partially because of complaints from customers.

Dunkin' Donuts said they got involved because of "the growing awareness of the hiring and employment of undocumented workers and the difficulty faced by employers for screening new hires within the confines of the law," said Stephen horn, chief legal officer for Dunkin' Brands Inc. in an e-mail.
The program is intended to remove the guesswork from documentary review.

of course not everybodys likes the program.
" There's just so many ways for immigration information to be misclassified, so until there are the right safeguards for a person to review the data that's in there, we're very concerned," said Ali Noorani, executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. ``The bigger point here is that we can pour all kinds of money and effort into enforcement like this, but unless we fix the immigration system we're never really going to fix the problem "

kudos to Dunkin' Donuts. Hopefully, more businesses will follow this example.


BEAR said...

Dunkin' D's just made my "must buy" list.

Anonymous said...

I'd be curious to know what the customer complaints were that brought this about. Seriously - what kind of complaint would prompt a business to take these measures?

Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound racist or stereotype here... but...

Most of the donut shops I have been to (and I eat a LOT of donuts; I am like a cop!) have been owned and staffed by Asian-Americans.

I seem to think that, as immigrant groups go, Asian-Americans are far more likely to come here legally and enthusiastically assimilate into American culture and become citizens than other immigrants.

This is just an observation.

Anonymous said...

Good job Dunkin' Donuts!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!