Thursday, April 15, 2010

schoolteacher attempts to crash the tea party movement from the inside


During April 15’s Tea Party rallies, Beaverton Middle School teacher Jason Levin’s group plans to dress and act like Tea Party members but “crazier” with the goal to damage the movement’s reputation...he did have plans to dress up like a member of the movement"

"Welcome to crash the tea party... we are a nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans, Independents who are all sick and tired of those loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement which calls itself the tea party.

We want to dismantle and demolish the tea party by any nonviolent means necessary and we will succeed by in for creating the tea party itself..."
see, I don't get it... is this teacher advocating for higher taxes?

To my understanding, the tea party movement was created to express real concerns "against reckless government spending" similar to the Boston tea party of 1773, and was a key event in the growth of the American Revolution.{Wikipedia}

It's one thing to disagree with an organization or a movement and you do have the right to start your own movement in protest, but there are limits.

The only message really that this teacher is sending out is that he is in favor of increased taxes, uncontrolled government spending, and smaller paychecks.

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