Thursday, April 08, 2010

If you don't want to spend $250,000 to rename the belt line
How about $250,000 to renovate a hotel in Cottage Grove instead?

The Register Guard --

Cottage Grove’s Village Green Resort and Gardens, 52 year old hotel that has been reportedly losing money and is up for sale so the Lane County commissioners voted to lend the Village Green $250,000 for renovations.
“There’s no guarantee this won’t fail, but I do believe in taking risk, and believing in people in the community is an important step,” said Commissioner Faye Stewart, whose district includes Cottage Grove. ... and the same Commissioner that decided to enact the gas tax anyways despite the fact that voters said NO

The board voted to establish a new program for Motel-hotel development with funds from the county transient room taxes and state lottery proceeds.

Although Cottage Grove Mayor Gary Williams feels that the project is "desperately needed" to provide construction and service jobs for community with a high unemployment rate, commissioners Bill Fleenor and Bill Dwyer even though they voted for the program, expressed concern about using public funds to shore up businesses that, as Fleenor put it, “may not have made good decisions.”


OregonGuy said...

Too small to fail?

Too cute to fail?

Too Lefty to fail?

Too stupid to fail?

Too connected to fail?

Too ridiculous to be true?

Too corrupt by half?

Too angry to see straight?

Too unbelievable for words?

MAX Redline said...

Interesting that the Village Green is, according to the article, "popular". If it's popular, then it stands to reason that it shouldn't be losing money. This leads me to question whether it has been all that popular in recent history. It sounds more like nostalgia than sound business.

On another note: the Village Inn franchises are not affiliated with the Village Green. Village Inns are basically IHOP restaurants, or perhaps more like a downscale Shari's. They emphasize their pies, much like the Shari's chain.

Gary said...

I am glad to hear that Lane County is so well off financially that it has an extra $250K laying around and don't know what to do with it! I guess we don't need to vote for any tax increases for the county. I wonder how many deputies that would pay...

Robin said...

Thanks Max for pointing that out.
my error and long hours. oops :P