Friday, April 13, 2007

Is a $13.30 an hour part-time job that great, or a sign of the economy to draw 500 people to apply for eight jobs in person?

Statesman Journal--

About 500 people stood in line for hours for the prospect of eight part-time jobs at McNary Field in Salem to apply for the job of TSA screener that is expected to begin in June.
"You get to meet a lot of people, and you're doing a service for your country," said Dan Higuera, a TSA officer who works at the Portland International Airport. Higuera, who retired as an equipment manager for a trucking company before joining the TSA, said he enjoys working a flexible, part-time schedule.

The screeners will work about 20 hours per week at $13.30 per hour and receive medical benefits.


Anonymous said...

This is the booming economy that Bush keeps talking about, isn't it? Just add 8 to his total of new jobs created. IDIOT!
Statistics don't tell the real story and stats are what the government officials use because they are not out in public enough to know what is really going on. The only reason that unemployment looks low is because no one is drawing unemployment. Either the money ran out or it isn't enough to live on so people get 2 or more part-time jobs to survive. Makes the stats look real good but does not represent the truth.
The many jobs Bush talks about that were created, is a total that does not reflect the jobs lost every time a corp. downsizes. The only stat I believe right now is that Bush has a low approval rating.

Anonymous said...

why did so many people need a job if the economy is booming?

Anonymous said...

Where do I go to stand in that line? It sounds much better than 33 hours per week for $7.50 an hour and no benefits at Walmart!

I don't know who says the economy is booming, I've seen no such evidence in my social circles.

JustaDog said...

That's too high for employees that need no real skills other than to follow basic directions - especially for part time work.

I got a kick out of that anonymous liberal hit-and-run comment. So liberal, LOL.