Sunday, July 30, 2006

if you are here illegally, just leave and you'll be allowed to return legally with the new George "W" visas

FAIR - Federation for American Immigration Reform--Pence-Hutchison “Compromise” Induces Illegal Aliens to Leave By Letting Them All Stay
"Washington, DC—In a desperate effort to “get something done” on immigration before the end of the congressional session, two normally sober members of Congress have hatched a plan that is vague on details when it comes to securing America’s borders and protecting American workers, while containing specific promises to millions of illegal aliens. The plan offered by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Tex.) would require that the President certify that America’s borders are secure, triggering the onset of a massive new guest worker program that would allow nearly all of the illegal aliens living in the U.S. to leave the country and return almost immediately with newly created “W” visas. "

in addition, the plan would authorize the issuance of an additional 200,000 "W" visas each year contingent upon the Department of Labor certification of worker shortages in various sectors of the labor market.

Under the plan, illegal aliens would be allowed to work in the US for up to 12 years after which they could apply for citizenship.
" “Under this plan, the people who are living and working in the U.S. illegally at the time that the President certifies that the borders are under control, will be assured of being rewarded with W visas.” “Let’s try to follow the logic here,” observed Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “In order to convince people to stop violating our immigration laws, we’re going to promise them visas that will allow them to stay here legally. But the best way to get one of those visas is to be here illegally. Lewis Carroll himself could not have dreamed up something so convoluted.”
... "like the President Bush, Pence and Hutchinson are looking for gimmicks to avoid calling amnesty an amnesty." said Stein "

let's follow the logic here... You come into my house through the window uninvited, however, instead of arresting you for trespassing into my home, we merely ask you to leave and offer you the key to my front door.
I got it


Anonymous said...

I am ready for a 'Million American March'. We should all march to Mexico, the borders are open, make ourselves a tent city outside a border town and demand humanitarian aid. A million people cannot be ignored and the media would have a field day. Besides, I seem to remember that their main source of income is American dollars.....why not get some use out of it.
At this point in time, I doubt that there would be a problem getting a million (or more) Americans to take a trip down south. Winter in Mexico sounds nice.

JustaDog said...

On the CBS Sunday morning show they profiled "latinos" (not using the "illegal alien" phrase much. What a typical CBS bunch of BS. Trying to convince their viewers that latinos just wanna fit in, that even the illegal ones are successful productive members of society.

They even interviewed one with 10 kids! Well, if the numbers that cross our boarders illegally don't drown us, then all of their kids will.

Oh - they didn't happen to mention the drain on local and state governments to support illegals, nor did they mention the growing prison population of illegals.

We need strong measures to push the illegals out of Oregon before we turn into a Southern California situation - full of breeding illegals and slugs sucking us dry.

Anonymous said...

Foreign Words Invading Oregon!

Oregon Republican Party Platform will save America!

I am writing to call your attention to a new danger to our beloved American democracy! Foreign Words! Yes! Our beloved Oregon Republican Candidate for Governor Ron Saxton has sounded the alarm, and you must listen to him!

Yes! Our English language is in danger of becoming infested with foreign words! Brought to our land by foreigners from other countries! Yes! This is true! The Oregon Republican Party must act swiftly!

The debate about protecting our borders is missing the real danger to our way of life! Yes! The foreigners will make us speak their language! Yes! The proof is in our beloved English dictionary!

Spend only a few minutes with our English dictionary, and what you will find there will chill your bones! On every page, there are words from languages that are not English! Yes! It is true! Yet they have been printed in our English dictionary next to our own beloved English words!

“How can this be?” you ask. I assure you that it is true! If you do not own a dictionary, you can look for free at the public library.

I will give you several examples:

“Tortilla” is not English! It is not English, but it is in our beloved English dictionary! “How can this be?,” you ask. "Yes," I reply. It is there, between "tort" and "tortoise!" It is not an English word, it is a Mexican word, spoken by Mexicans! Spoken by Mexicans from Mexico! Yes!

Do you realize that every time you say café, you are speaking French? Yes! Saxophone! Named for a Belgian! Are you feeling the chill in your bones? Chile con carne! Not English! All in our beloved English dictionary!

Furthermore, foreigners have been putting their words into our beloved English language for centuries, in their foreign, insidious ways! Yes, this is true! Since the times of the Latins and Greeks! Did you know that “algebra” is not English? It is Arabic! Yet we say this word every day, not realizing that we are speaking Arabic! The camel’s nose is under our precious American tent! Our beloved Ron Saxton will stomp on the camel’s nose! Yes!

Furthermore, Oregon Republicans must continue to find ways to reduce funding for public libraries until out-of-control librarians stop spending our hard-earned tax dollars on books written in foreign languages! Yes! And we must punish out-of-control librarians who insist on undermining our American way of life! Punish them!!!!

English-speaking Americans must unite and stop this assault on our precious beloved English language! We must close our beloved English dictionary to more foreign words! Foreign words are not only un-American, they are harder to spell and pronounce than our good English words!

We have a Constitutional right to speak only English--not foreign--words! Oregon Republicans will work to cut off all funding for those who want to use our public schools to teach foreign languages in America. WE ARE AMERICA! WE DO NOT NEED FOREIGN WORDS!

We must send a message to all foreigners: “Thank you, but we do not want any more of your words. We have plenty of English words that are not used up yet.”

We must close our dictionaries to new words! Unless they have been spoken by law-abiding, tax-paying, property-owning English-speaking American citizens! Only with this step can we stop the threat!

Oregon Republicans must unite and close our borders to insanity! If only we had not cut funding for the Oregon State Police, we would have the officers to set up roadblocks and examine every incoming vehicle for language infestation. Yes! We realize that was a mistake, but we know better now. Yes! You will see!

The Oregon Republican Party Platform demands an end to the expenditure of public funds on dictionaries and other books written in foreign languages! Yes! It is true! You can look it up for yourself!

Furthermore,our beloved Oregon Republican Candidate for Governor Ron Saxton and the Oregon Republican Party Platform demand that every foreigner entering our beloved land of the free and home of the brave be issued an English dictionary upon arrival with instructions to use only the words in this book while you are here. This is a very good and necessary idea to help preserve our precious American freedoms! Yes!

Remember: Many foreigners = many foreign words! Less foreigners = less foreign words! Do not let them speak their foreign words in our America!

I urge you to write to Congress, to all elected officials, to demand that they focus on the real danger and lock down our beloved dictionary! Yes! Today! Lock it up before it is too late! Stomp on the nose, Ron Saxton! Viva America!

A.Y. Caramba

Scottiebill said...

Anon: You conveniently left out that most of the English language came from the Germanic and Scandanavian countries. Was that deliberate or merely overlooked? You seemed to be singling out SpanMex words for your derision.

I am no fan at all of the illegals being here, but to attack their language is somewhat specious and counter-productive.