Jerry Falwell along with an army of conservative lawyers warned Boston and other cities, "don't mess with Christmas!"
"This is a Christmas tree," Boston Parks Commissioner Toni Pollak insisted about the Nova Scotia spruce that will light on December 1 in the historic Boston Common. "It's definitely a Christmas tree."
Falwell, has put the power of his 24,000 member congregation behind the "friend or foe Christmas campaign," in an effort to lead the conservative legal organization liberty counsel. The group promises to file suit against anyone who spreads what it sees as misinformation about how Christmas can be celebrated in schools and public spaces.
Other crazy things going on...
“Today, it seems like all religious symbols are being erased,” said Kathleen Hintlian, a Lexington mother of five who used to take her children to visit the creche each year. “I thought it represented hope and peace. And we need that especially in our world today.”
I agree. Although I have never been a really great advocate of Jerry Falwel, for once I will say that I will give him kudos for taking a pro active approach and not letting one of our major traditions in this country die e.g. Christmas.
I never really thought that much about it when I was growing up and we see all those animated kids shows like the Grinch that stole Christmas because I thought that Christmas would always be here.
Never in my wildest dreams, would I think that there would be a group that would actually try to ban Christmas. But they are out there.
Personally, I don't care what label that you put on the tree itself. To me, I will always refer to it as a Christmas tree. It is not a Hanukkah tree, it is not a Muslim tree, it is not a holiday tree, it is a Christmas tree.
For those people who wished not to celebrate Christmas, can go to work on December 24 and 25th for straight pay, while the rest of us stay home and celebrate the birth of Jesus.
We constantly hear that we should celebrate diversity. While I agree with that 100% it must be a two-way street. The beauty about the United States is that we have the freedom to practice whatever religion we wish, and that includes Christianity.
I am not a Christian but I do believe in God and I will defend your right to believe your religion whatever that may be.
NO ONE is asking somebody else to participate against their will in any religion and if a particular religion offends you then all I have to say in response to that is...