As we all know, being an illegal alien is a federal offense however, here is a new word for you...
In law, the definition of treason is the crime of disloyalty to one's nation. A person who betrays the nation of their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully or cooperates with an enemy.
treason defines a citizens action to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injured the parent nation. It is also generally considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government.
source Wikipedia
so consider what has been happening recently with the "undocumented" aliens who knowingly cross our borders illegally, and set up residence here.
No matter what the reason, if you come to this country illegally, ... you're a felon
Provide them jobs, shelter... you're aiding and abetting a felon
Force the citizens of a country to have to learn a new language against there will in their own country and change their way of life... thats an INVASION
Support all the above... TRAITOR
So what else would you call it when 16 government agencies this Saturday, September 24 at the Henry Hill elementary school in Salem, assisting illegal aliens in violation of federal immigration law title VIII, section 1324 (a) ? (Link)
and they wonder why we get so upset over this issue.
Are you certain that all illegal aliens are felons? I am not familiar with any statutes that say that. The Wikipedia description in no way resembles US Federal laws.
As a nation of immigrants, are we to abandon our history and the beautiful words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty?
How about federal immigration laws?
So it seems therefore, if you are here illegally, then you are in violation of federal laws which makes you a felon.
You are correct in the fact that originally we are a nation of immigrants, however, we are also a nation of laws.
Because of failure on our part to enforce those laws, we are being forced to "abandon our history" by people who obviously have no respect for our laws.
In addition, these people also cheapen the efforts of those who do go through the expense and process to be here legally in addition to unfairly suffer the discrimination and harassment caused by those that are here illegally.
Must we also abandon our history by being forced to learn a foreign language? Especially when it is a requirement to become a citizen to be able to read and speak English?
And the definition from Wikipedia was on the word "treason"
Robin is correct - they are felons. She also has a great post here and a nice blog. Hope she doesn't mind if I blogroll her?!
Well said Robin. I'm getting sooooo tired of these small minded defenders of the law breaking trash that keep bringing up the whole "melting pot, nation of immigrants" crap. Come here legally, learn our language and culture, follow our laws or stay out. I see illegal immigration as the most important problem facing our nation, more than health care, more than terrorism and that is how I will be voting.
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