Monday, April 10, 2006

Immigrant organizations are calling for a general strike on May 1...

Reuters --

Immigrant organizations are calling for a general strike on Monday, May 1 to show what would happen in the United States without immigrants.
" What we are seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power," Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, said. "This isn't really about immigration -- it's about power.

Immigrant activists prefer to call it strength in numbers -- and the numbers have been rising. So has the use of Spanish, which has become an unofficial second language, found on government forms and the menus of automatic teller machines. "

Last Friday, the U.S. Senate failed to agree on a bill that would pave the way toward citizenship for 7 million illegal immigrants which angered many illegal immigrants.
"That ... could change America into a culturally bifurcated Anglo-Hispanic society with two national languages," Harvard professor Samuel Huntington says in his book on America's national identity, "Who Are We?"

Organizers of Monday's protest determined to curb a negative reaction from Americans produce messages on Spanish-language radio over the weekend encouraging immigrants to "leave the flags of your country at home & wave the flag of the country in which you wish to be excepted."
good advice.
The United States was able to "ignore" the problem when illegal aliens basically stayed underground. The fact that they have begun to be a forefront and refuse to assimilate into our society which brought attention to them is when most problems began.

I'm not advocating for illegal immigration nor am I saying that taken advantage of cheap labor is right. It is not!
If the illegal immigrants really wanted to help the situation, they would by definition not be illegal. E.g. they would go to the proper channels to become citizens.

I also find it highly ironic in the articles I have read that in this day and age of terrorism concerns, that crossing into this country illegally is a misdemeanor. [Unverified information]

If this is true... what a joke!

No wonder why other countries laugh at us and spit on our laws.

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