Thursday, February 17, 2011

TriMets "sonic bike path" plays "feeling groovy" as you drive over them
as part of the 1.5% requirement for art

The Oregonian --
"slow down, you move too fast," a song by Simon and Garfunkel, is a tune that will be created by bicycle tires as they drive over the grooves in the sidewalk among the last 150 feet at the end of the each span of the bridge to remind riders to slow down because they're about ready to enter traffic again. [I hope that they have music rights for the copyright]

The "musical sidewalk" is part of the 1.5% of the $1.5 billion MAX line from Portland to Milwaukee Tri-Met is trying to find matching funds for.

and being Portland, it goes without saying that only trains, buses, streetcars, pedestrians and bicyclists will be able to use the 1,720-foot bridge.

gosh golly Batman... this is what happens when "free money" runs wild.

Sure glad that the recession is over and all of our budget problems have been solved.

Oh wait...


MAX Redline said...

So, really - this is gonna be so cool! Not only is Tri-Met going to build the largest car-free bridge in the entire freakin' country, man, they're gonna make it radically iconic! Really, no, this is so cool - they're so flush with your cash that they're looking at building a bike path on that bridge with custom concrete grooves that'll play the old "Simon & Garfunkel" Song, Feelin' Groovy!

Small wonder that "Portlandia" has been picked up for a second season on IFC.

OregonGuy said...

Was listening to NARP President & CEO Ross B. Capon this morning on CNBC, and it seems the justification for more lightrail, or rail in general, is the fact that our highways are so congested, we waste gasoline and diesel idling.

So, rather than fix the highways so that motorists are no longer stuck crawling through Portland on the I-5, we will build rails people won't use since people still prefer their own automobiles rather than the shiny trains that all rail enthusiasts simply love.