Wednesday, August 12, 2009

illegal aliens committing crimes and escaping back to Mexico
It's no longer a safety zone from US law

The Oregonian--

Oregon police are hoping to take advantage of a little-known law in Mexico, article 4, which allows judges in Mexico to try their citizens accused of crimes overseas.

In the past, Mexicans who commit serious crimes in the United States could literally "go home and hide" and flee prosecution. The problem however is that article 4 cases are complicated and expensive.

Senator Ron Wyden has drafted a bill to streamline the filings of article 4 cases across the US. The bill would additionally create a Department position in the Justice Department, "director of foreign prosecution" would you be a liaison to the nation's attorney general.
"There's something very wrong when murderers, drug kingpins and violent criminals can come into Oregon, commit violent crimes, basically thumb their noses at the Oregon judicial system and go back across the border and live happily ever after," Wyden said in an interview.

although preferably Oregon would like to prosecute their own cases, Mexico's willingness to try their citizens for crimes across the border, saves Oregon the cost of apprehension, incarceration, prosecution and ultimately long-term incarceration was they are convicted by the Mexican government.


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