Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ever wonder why Springfield gets more done then Eugene?

The answer in my opinion is trust.

Now Springfield is not perfect. it has it flaws, and it has it good points too.

One of those good points is the leadership and our mayor.

I was very glad to hear that Sid Leiken was running for congress.

I feel that he is in touch with reality and would make a good congressman.

[besides, he sometime reads my blog so he can't be all that bad ;-) ]

Check out his website at

1 comment:

OregonGuy said...

If you trust others, it seems easier, and more likely, that you will be trusted as well.

As an optimist, I find that people generally do what is best, most of the time, without prompting. We are by our very nature good. Are there bad people out there? Sure, but most of them self-identify, so they're easy to pick out.

The funny thing is, they think they are invisible.