Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Microsoft expected to cut jobs as profit weakens

Microsoft Corp is expected to post a quarterly profit that misses its own target and announce thousands of job cuts this week as the global economic slump hurts even the technology industry's biggest players.{read more}

The economy is like the ecosystem. remove one part of it which may seem totally inconsequential at the time, however has a devastating cascading effect.

for example...

Price of fuel escalated so high, that people had to decide to forgo other necessities in order to get to work and back. (Are you paying attention all you "lets get you out of your car nuts?")

Governments continue to raise even more taxes because of dwindling revenue streams.

People forced to buy less and less to try to make ends meet.

Businesses start to lay off employees and close their doors to do slumping sales.

More people out of work, means less sales, which means more closures.

People start losing their homes.

Crime escalates.

With all this devastation, what is one of our legislators working on?
banning cell phone use without a hands-free device while driving; regulating pharmaceutical gifts; stopping smokeless tobacco handouts; and lowering the mandatory school age from seven to six.{Portland Tribune}

You know it just gets me right there… Oh wait, I think that's heartburn.


Bobkatt said...

What do you want to bet that MS is still lobbying for increased H-1b Visas?
I've got to disagree with one of your points though. I think cell phone talk should be banned in all moving vehicles except for emergencies. I don't think the bluetooth is the answer either because the main problem is the distraction of the conversation. And no it's not the same as talking to a passenger in the car.

Robin said...

I'll agree with your point about cell phones that some people can't chew gum and walk at the same time, I just think that there should not be another law limiting what we can do.

Like seat belts, it would be another reason to stop you.

Bobkatt said...

I agree but I don't think your seat belt on or off effects your driving ability. I don't know how many times I've sat behind someone yacking on the phone after the light turned green or seen someone weaving across the white line because their attention is directed to their conversation. In one study I read they concluded that driving while on the phone was actually worse than driving after 2 drinks. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

IRS is hiring right now. seems weird that they are since we know the gov't has no $.