Monday, January 28, 2008

Criminal Justice report card not much of an improvement over 2006

Lane Council of governments (LCOG), recently posted on their website from the public safety coordinating Council (PSCC), their 2008 report card on the criminal justice system in Lane County.

At a glance, the report includes crime and safety, resources and capacity, and patient and effective use resources, crime and safety, etc..

The report includes a comparison between 2006 and 2008.

It's an interesting read.

The report can be viewed at the following links.
criminal justice system report card Databook


Anonymous said...

They have no funds yet they can buy new tasers? Go figure! No wonder they flunked.

Anonymous said...

I see that the OSP is hiring a BUNCH of new officers. I thought we didn't have money for that. Isn't that why there is only ONE officer to patrol the entire Oregon Coast? Where did the extra funds come from?