Thursday, July 05, 2007

Kulongoski signs bill to require gasoline sold in the state to be mixed with 10% ethanol

Statesman Journal--

Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski signed a measure that would require gasoline sold in the state to be mixed with 10% ethanol after in-state production of ethanol reaches 40,000,000 gallons per year.
A similar target for biodiesel crops will trigger mandatory 2% blend in all diesel fuels sold in Oregon.
" "These bills will not only create financial opportunities for Oregon's agricultural sectors, but it will help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions while creating thousands of jobs in rural Oregon," said Kulongoski. "It will move Oregon significantly down the road to a renewable energy future, creating hundreds of millions -- if not billions -- of dollars of investment." "

Critics of biofuels are concerned about the amount of energy they take to grow and that they may be driving up the price of food such as corn.
" "Today is about signing legislation that creates a lasting environmental legacy for future generations," said Kulongoski. "

what worries me about this size the higher price per gallon at the pump, is what happened in Medford and Portland when during the summer they switched to a gasoline additive which in turn clogged the fuel pumps of the vehicles.
The reason is that Ethanol bonds to water and the mixture falls to the bottom of the tank as a separate layer of sludge.{link}--

Older carbureted vehicles in particular may have problems with the ethanol blend.

Another concern is the effect on fuel lines and rubber hoses breaking down.

A good idea? We'll see.

1 comment:

OregonGuy said...

The problem is, at what price will we really end up paying for this?