Monday, July 30, 2007

Do you think that electronic message boards on Eugene's highways are necessary?


By next fall, ODOT will soon be installing three new traffic cameras, one on eastbound Beltline Road near River Road, I-5 southbound near 30th Ave., and another on I-5 North bound just before Highway 58 near Goshen with electric message boards which is intended to provide drivers with adequate warnings of any incidents on the roads ahead.

in many respects, I like the idea of the highway camera's , and sometimes use them myself when the weather gets bad. However, what comes to mind is the expense and usefulness of the electronic message boards. Although it would be nice to know that there is an instant up ahead, I could only see an advantage to it if there is an alternative route available.


OregonGuy said...

Another use for these signs are for providing AMBER alerts.

The Cheezer said...

I see these signs and cameras as the beginning of something larger. Europe has cameras all over, we have just begun. Remember, where there is a camera, some one is watching.