Friday, January 06, 2006

Springfield High School “Islamic Project".


Students at Springfield High School are now learning about Islamic culture in nearly every class.
Students in this drama class are painting a stage backdrop of the Iranian mosque of Isfahan for their upcoming performance of Shakespeare’s “Othello.” It is part of the Springfield High School “Islamic Project".
Motivated by the Iraq war, the lessons on Islam began this quarter. Drama director Jonathan Siegle came up with the idea. Now, he says Islam is being taught in a variety of classes: "For example a math teacher might include elements about the fact that Arab mathematicians invented Algebra, they invented the zero. Islamic art, culture, music, history—these are elements that are very important and can be included into the normal curriculum."

1 comment:

Jim in KFalls said...

They had to invent some system for tallying up the number of people they slaughtered