Monday, December 05, 2005

immigration -- roundtable discussion idea

with another event such as the one this weekend in Woodburn and with people refusing to talk to Daniel along with poor media reporting, I was thinking that wouldn't it be great to have a roundtable discussion on Lars's show

Lars of course could moderate the discussion with the panel to include representatives from the State of Oregon, one or two bloggers such as Daniel from Daniel is right , representatives from PCUN, MEChA and a couple of illegal aliens and/or other supporters of these events to present their views.

it would also be great if some of our representatives would have the GUTS to call in and discuss this issue as well.

Personally I would be very interested in hearing why we should support and defend people who blatantly break the law and why our government is not enforcing the law.

What do you think of this idea?

and Lars, if you decide to do something like this... it would be great if you could put it in your archives so people like myself who work or have school can listen to it later.

so people, what do you think? it would be a lot of work for the KXL staff to put it together and make it happen, but do you think that overall it would be a good idea and that we should encourage them to at least consider the idea?

if you like the idea, send Lars Larson a note at

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