Thursday, June 14, 2007

Why should only be head of the illegal immigrant household have to return to their countries?

Senator's work to revive immigration bill

WASHINGTON -- the Republican and Democratic senators are reaching for a deal to resurrect their stalled immigration compromise by requiring that some $4 billion be spent on border security and workplace enforcement, which is part of a plan that grants legal status to millions of illegal aliens could be possible as early as Thursday.

Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts said he supported a bid to provide mandatory funding for border security and enforcement.
""You give the assurance that when this is signed, that there are going to be the resources to do the kind of security protections that are in this legislation," Kennedy said. "

Under the proposal by Sen. Jon Kyl and Sen. Lindsey Graham, funding would be up front for border security and workplace enforcement.
" "Everybody's trying to prove that they are willing and able to enforce the law this time, unlike 1986, (and 2007) " Kyl said, referring to the last major immigration overhaul, which established a one-year amnesty program for illegal immigrants who had been in the U.S. at least four years.
"What better way to demonstrate that other than to say, 'We're not going to let congressional appropriations dictate this—we are going to put the money up front,'" Kyl said. "

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas was to require all illegal immigrant head of households to return to their countries of origin before obtaining legal status, only if they are seeking green cards, permit legal residency.

why should only the head of household be required to return home? What about the other members of the household?

I'm assuming what Senator Hutchinson is thinking is that it would cut down the amount of illegals that would have to be deported.

here are a few things that I see wrong with that plan...
#1 -- you are still going to separate the families
#2 -- with the removal of the primary income earner, more people on welfare and public assistance
#3 what determines the head of household?

Personally, I feel that the laws should not be selectively enforced based on somebody's household status.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if we sent the whole family back, they would stop running back over the line. Sending home only one person is like leaving the bait for the bear to return.