Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tancredo amendment to cut funding for sanctuary city's passes with strong bipartisan support

Tancredo ----

An amendment to HR 2638 offered by US Representative Tom Tancredo which passed the House by 234-189 with strong bipartisan support cuts funding from the Department of Homeland security (DHS) to cities that employ a "sanctuary policy" to illegal aliens.
" The Times, they are a changing," said Tancredo, "This should serve as a warning sign to the White House and supporters of re-introducing an amnesty bill from the Senate. If that legislation makes it to the house, it is in serious trouble." "

The amendment to HR 2638 would prevent cities like Denver and San Francisco, who employ a sanctuary policy for illegal aliens from receiving first responder funds, including law enforcement and terrorism prevention grants, along with other programs.

Related information:
{The Library of Congress HR 2638}--

H.AMDT.294 Amendment (A045) offered by Mr. Tancredo. (consideration: CR H6468-6469, H6494-6495; text: CR H6468)
An amendment numbered 7 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit funds to be used in contravention of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. {summary HR 2638}--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let us hope it works. I think placing all the blame on the illegals is bad policay AND does nothing to change the situation. There are a lot of laws that need to be changed. Again, I say - It is time for a revolution! Notice how the Senate voted themselves a raise? THAT'S WRONG!!