Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"We can't wait a few more months, because it is going to be too little, too late."


Rep. Linda Flores, R-Clackamas along with Rep. Kim Thatcher, R-Keizer are the major sponsors of an immigration package aimed to crack down on illegal immigrants being able to vote, get state jobs and received some state benefits.
"We need to act now," Flores said. "We can't wait a few more months, because it is going to be too little, too late."

Other issues include making English the state's official language and a proposal to require Oregon to comply with the Federal Real ID Act in which Oregon driver's licenses currently falls short for the standards to be used to board an airplane.
Flores said such states would likely fall into line if the federal government fully funded the Real ID Act, adding, "What is really important is that we are able to prove you are who you say you are."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard to enforce laws when corporations ignore them. In the news today is Bank of America, who allows illegals with NO SS# and NO credit history to have credit cards.
Then we have the National Guard making commercials in Spanish. Laws are no good if people don't follow them!