Friday, December 23, 2005

Emissions - A state panel adopts California's stricter standards

The Oregonian

Oregon is on its way to becoming the 10th state to adopt California's tough vehicle emissions rules with a vote Thursday by the state's Environmental Quality Commission.
The unanimous vote puts automakers on notice that new cars and light trucks sold in Oregon must meet new standards for controlling greenhouse gases and air pollutants, beginning with the 2009 model year. It also clears the way for the state of Washington, which committed to adopting California's tailpipe rules if Oregon did.
A survey of 244 Oregon voters conducted in October found 67 percent supported stricter emissions standards for new cars sold in Oregon. The survey was conducted by independent pollster Michael Riley for the Clean Cars for Oregon Coalition, which includes business leaders, health care activists, conservation groups and representatives from Oregon's faith community.

Ted "the sky is falling" Kulongoski, is showing his ignorance once again. As Lars has pointed out many times including having interviews on air with representatives from DEQ that Kulongoski's efforts to create California standards for admissions is unnecessary.

I am sure that it is safe to say that we all love clean air... and cars have gotten a lot better over the years... and they continue to get better... but there's also this point that the economy in Oregon is in the toilet.

Of course this goes along with the same mentality as President Bush's speech yesterday, "the economy is improving. There are more jobs. Things are getting better." Tell that to GM and Ford, and Freightliner who just laid off a bunch of employees. I think those employees would have a different opinion about the economy.


Anonymous said...

The Democrats in the Legislature should sober up long enough to take a little drive.

Only downtown Salem smells like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering why the Mexican Government doesn't take measures to improve their economic situation so that the citizens don't feel the need to flee their own country. DUH!

Anonymous said...

sorry I blogged on the wrong topic!

Robin said...

that's okay... but a very good question. The only reason that I can think of is that it's easier to send people over here to send money home and reap the benefits of it without having to do anything.

Unknown said...

Just to mention it. It seems to me from what I've read that the "stricter standards" shouldn't really effect any vehicles. In 2006 diesels will all be built for Ultralow sulfur diesel fuel (which CARB diesel already is) so this is really just a media stunt.

There is also a benefit if Washington follows Oregon on the CARB standard for motor fuels. Currently diesel and gasloline are not fungible (or interchangable) up and down the west coast. If Washington follows Oregon this interchangable standard might lower the cost of fuel as the product is consistent up and down the western seaboard allowing a wider supply for Oregon.

Robin said...

I am worried about what they are going to do with older cars... being poor and all that you know.

I am just seeing a can of worms opening up here that is going to cost us a lot of money in the long run.