Monday, December 12, 2005

"A bad policySaturday's protest and subsequent name-calling illustrate the great divide when it comes to illegal immigration for the state"

Toodburn Independent

The Woodburn Independent wrote a very nice article which I recommend describing the "Carousel of Information" event held recently in the Woodburn .

"…They don't deserve it, haven't earned it and they denigrate the efforts of those who have done it the right way. This "hand it out by the bucket-full" mentality is wearing thin with many Oregonians and offers a full-tilt example of what has gone wrong with this country's immigration policies."

"The fact that several state agencies were in attendance Saturday, offering to help get people signed up for programs and assistance, continues to send a convoluted message -- "you're breaking the law, but we'll take care of as many of your needs as we can."


Anonymous said...

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself."
-- Thomas Paine

The truth is that until this country starts taking action regarding its immigration policies the people who seek refuge from oppression, poverty and misrepresentation in their own countries (read: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.) these people deserve our courtesy. When our politicians and our citizens decide that they no longer want to "advertise" ourselves as a beacon to these people then people like yourself and mr. larson will have better grounds for your debate.

Robin said...

you make a very valid point... the problem with being an "melting pot" is that we cannot house the whole world on our little continent.

We are a society of laws,...people coming over here illegally are cutting in line and are harming those who have come here legally.

and I agree, until we clean our own house by not encouraging them to come e.g. departments from the State of Oregon participating in the carousel of information events, are good examples of how we are encouraging people to break the law.

The message that we are sending is... "don't worry about our federal immigration laws, they won't be enforced... come on over, the red carpet is out"

In my opinion we need to start doing twofold. #1, we need to clean up our act #2, we need to better enforce our laws and protect our borders if for no other reason because of 9/11