Wednesday, June 20, 2012

employee rights in the "at will" state

Robin's Commentary --

you don't really think about these issues until it becomes an issue to similar about what's going on at my workplace where the company is asking its employees to comply with an issue that will permanently affect their lives outside of the job itself, and the more that I dug into this issue has brought up some pretty surprising results.

Recently, in e-mail exchange with the Oregon Bureau of Labor, I Asked the Following Question...

 A company requires you to have a tattoo which is a permanent marking or alteration on your body  that will stay with you after the job?

You're given the choice to have the tattoo or be fired.

as an individual, you have the right to say no to the tatoo but keep in mind that if you're an 'at-will' employee since the employer can terminate an 'at-will' employee for any reason or no reason at all, then the employer could terminate you for your refusal to get the tatoo.-- Oregon Department of labor
so if your company asked you to get a tattoo... would you do it?


Ten Mile Island said...

And yet it's against the law in Oregon to talk about how political issues impact ones business.

Great set of rules you got there, Oregon!

Robin said...

it gets even better... in the next couple days I'll post some of the questions that my company asked me and it's hard to believe any of these are legal or at least that's what I'm going to ask the Oregon Bureau of Labor.