Thursday, May 24, 2007

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA): "Will this be the last amnesty program?"

Lars Larson has presented audio in transcripts of senators Grassley's top 15 reasons the current immigration reform plan is flawed.

(here is a summary of a few of them, the rest are available at{Lars Larson}--

-- Probationary benefits not subject to the trigger (work auth, protection from
removal, ssn, granted to illegal aliens immediately even if background
check is not complete)...

-- Many criminal provisions may be waived for elig purposes. falsely
claiming u.s. citizenship...even tho its a crime...

-- Background checks taken to lightly...

-- The illegals protected from removal...

-- TERRORISTS AND CRIMINALS can apply for probate status... even if there is an order for REMOVAL or in custody. Now 600,000 who have defied orders...

-- Only eligible to illegal aliens only...

-- Indefinite renewal to the Z-nonimmigrant visas...

-- NO English requirement...

-- Principal alien pays, however wife and kids are not required..."

This is only a summary, I definitely recommend checking the full transcript and listen to the audio at the following locations.
{Lars Senator Grassley list flaws in immigration Reform}--


Bobkatt said...

Any provisions enacted by this new bill will require the ability and desire to act on them. We have laws to limit immigration now. How's that been workin'?

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of flaws in the proposal that will come ti light if enacted. Most of the illegals will not come forward because it means they have to go back to Mexico before anything else can happen. Meanwhile, the families get to stay and we will have to care for them because the breadwinner was deported. I don't see any advantage to the program. Bushwacked again!