Monday, March 26, 2007

Lane County personal income tax -- tax estimator

Lane County Oregon--

Have you ever wondered how much the 1.1% Lane County personal income tax, which was recently enacted by the Lane County commissioners, would actually cost us?

Well the good folks at Lane County have put together this little handy dandy "Lane County Personal Income Tax Estimator” to give us all a basic idea.

Although the tax estimator was designed to be a rough guide only and is based on 2006 federal and state forms, I highly recommend giving it a try at the above link.

For me, it would be an extra $270 + that I would have to pay on my taxes each year.
After running the calculations for the 1.1% tax, I got to thinking about how much the 5% personal income tax would add to my yearly taxes.

Let's just say that I reserved comment to maintain my GP rating of this blog.

I'm not a tax professional, however, my first impressions when I ran the numbers, was that I could just kiss what ever little refund that I would get at the end of the year goodbye.

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