Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Condos and office towers must be earth friendly???

the Oregonian--

Portland -- gold standards... Silver standards... green standards??? Commissioner Dan Saltzman, former engineer is out to require all private construction projects to be earth friendly which is part of a 1.5 million sustainable in industries project that Salzman is pushing for the next budget year.
Developers would have to get certified for green features, such as solar power or recycled rainwater in the johns, through the U.S. Green Building Council to the silver level. Already, all city-funded projects must meet gold standards, and ones funded through the Portland Development Commission must get silver. The new rule would affect privately funded projects

The new rule would affect privately funded projects, which could go into effect in 2010 are so if the council agrees to it.

while definitely a noble idea, how much more does this requirement add to the construction cost of the building?

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