Thursday, November 02, 2006

a federal judge on Tuesday blocked the city of Hazelton from enforcing an ordinance targeting illegal immigrants


Allentown Pennsylvania -- a pair of artists is targeting the illegal immigrants was blocked by a federal judge on Tuesday over two ordinances passed by the city of Hazelton just hours before the measures were to go into effect..

The measures, proved by the city Council would have imposed fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and denied business permits to come these that gave them jobs.

US District Judge James Munley ruled that the ordinance would create "irreparable harm" and issued a temporary restraining order blocking their enforcement. "We find it in the public interest to protect residents access to homes, education, jobs and businesses," he wrote in a 13 page opinion.

The ACLU and Hispanic groups sued Hazelton on Monday, contending that the law violates the Constitution because they trample on the federal government exclusive power to regulate immigration.

The judge's restraining order expires November 14, 2006.

Hat tip to Laura for the article


Anonymous said...

Luckily the mayor had a lawyer ready to tackle this. To me, I can't see how they could sue as an immigration issue because the law regulates the business owners, not the illegal immigrants. I just love how non-citizens manage to get citizen rights. No wonder they keep coming! This city will be a 'guinea pig' for the rest of us. I hope they win.

Scottiebill said...

This is another great example of an activist judge (and I use the word "judge" loosely) going against the legitimate will of the people and advocating for illegal activities by the illegal aliens. Thie judge should face disbarment procedings because of his pro-criminal leanings.

Anonymous said...

I always that the states have to follow the federal standards however, were allowed to "expand" on federal laws.

Anonymous said...

Anon 258

You are right. Oregon has ORS 181.850 that prohibits cities from enforcing immigration policy. The Hazelton law could not be legally enacted in Oregon. This is why so of you that came down hard on Mayor Leiken needs to understand, he knew the law the Councilor Ralston did not.

Anonymous said...

The Hazelton law DOES NOT enforce immigration policy! It targets the people who help the illegals, NOT the illegals themselves. The mayor must have read a lot of fine print to come up with his ordinance. "If someone closes the door on you, go in through the window."

Bobkatt said...

It's not so much which laws you have as what attitude you project. If you throw out the idea that you respect the laws in play and discourage illegal activity then you send the message that illegal aliens aren't welcome. If you go out of your way to offer services that they are not intitled to and help the Mexican government to enable illegals with ID that only illegals need and you facilitate them receiving government assistance by bending or breaking the rules you send the message that you welcome illegal activity.
Imagine how much the illegals were emboldened by the Springfield City Council being afraid to even talk about the situation. Councilman Ralston was right. Maybe his approach was wrong but I understand his frustration in even getting an ear on this. How did it become taboo to discuss any problem the country has? Mayor Leiken is just another of the enablers afraid to face the problem head on. Better to protect the small number of drug smugglers, rapists and thieves than offend the majority of hard working legal immigrants. Legal immigrants have brought this problem onto themselves by aiding and abetting illegal immigration against our nations laws. By not doing the right thing they become complicit in the crime. Much like the Catholic church covering for child molesters. New jails and increasing public safety budgets would be more palatable if the general public thought that the laws would actually be enforced equally.

Anonymous said...


I have known Mayor Leiken for 15 years and I would hardly call him an enabler. If you are basing your opinion on a hastily worded press release that he sent out after Ralston ran his mouth then I feel for you.

Why don't you give him a call and have coffee with him. Don't worry, he can easily afford a cup of coffee even though he is an unpaid volunteer mayor, and a great one I might add.


Josh Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Our comments are not based on media hype. If you had been on this blog before, you would have known that Mayor Leiken has participated in the conversations with us. (Tied hands can be freed, if you wiggle around enough.) Our frustration while justified, is not directed solely at Sid. The system simply put, isn't working.

Robin said...

This isn't about Mayor Leiken... it's about the law. As the mayor kindly pointed out to us on numerous occasions, Oregon law ties his hands from doing anything about it. Conversely, it also allows people to take advantage of this loophole.

It all boils down to that law-abiding citizens are frustrated, especially after 9/11, the creation of homeland security , stringent controls and inconveniences at our airports, increases that identity theft and stolen Social Security cards... and yet, as a nation, we leave our front door wide open and do nothing to slow the blatant violation of our borders and security internally.

In addition, the government is rubbing salt into the wounds by offering benefits to the illegal aliens that are not even available to the legal citizens of United States, such as instate tuition.

It feels like the government is asking us to turn our backs to the situation and look the other direction.

People like myself, feel that you're welcome to come to our country, however, go through the channels that are set up and follow the laws of the land... just like we must all follow the laws of the land if we go to another country.

This is not what is happening here... if they make it over the border... they have nothing to fear. The police are not allowed to ask them about their immigration status... they do not have to learn English... they do not have to report their income... and if they do get caught and deported... they would just turnaround and come right back in.

any why not! Coming to this country illegally is a misdemeanor... no worse than stealing a candy bar from the store... being deported and reentering the country is a felony, however, rarely punished. It has become a game like fishing... "catch and release." " You should see the one that got away... "

And then we see President Bush on television telling us why it is so important to continue the war oversees while our own country meanwhile is being silently invaded.

Anonymous said...

Laura and Robin

I was just responding to Bobkatt calling the mayor and enabler. Thank you for the info.


Robin said...

Thats cool Josh,
it all about having a discussion :-)

Bobkatt said...

If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem. By stifling any dialog on the illegal immigration problem you are in fact condoning it. By refusing to acknowledge the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants minority "rights" groups have compounded the problem. By making this a racial issue they purposely obfuscate the illegal activity.

Anonymous said...

And what happens after the 14th? Unless the court comes up with a solid decision, this law will go into effect. I can't wait to see what will happen. New congress means new something!