Thursday, August 24, 2006

Police Charge a 14-year-old Boy for "Meowing" at a neighbor


Jeannette Pennsylvania -- a district judge has been asked to decide whether "meowing" is grounds for misdemeanor harassment or just a harmless taunt.
The 14-year-old boy started meowing at Alexandra Carasia, their 78-year-old neighbor after the boy's mother got rid of their family cat after the neighbor complained to police that the cat was using the neighbor's flower garden as a litter box.
"The boy testified Tuesday that he only meowed at the woman twice. Carasia testified, "Every time he sees me, he meows." "

Jeanette District Judge Joseph DeMarchis decided to wait 90 days before ruling on this case.


Anonymous said...

OK, it sounds stupid, but the story is a familiar one to me. Not the meowing, the cat problem. I for one do not like it when every cat in the neighborhood uses MY flower bed or yard as a litter box. It smells bad, it ruins the dirt and kills anything planted there. I had to give up on flowers and put out crusty drift wood. Cats use it to sharpen their claws on. Wonder if the 14 year old would like it if I reprogrammed his X-Box everyday or wiped clean his I Pod? He should leave the old lady alone and find something constructive to do.

Anonymous said...

The kid is a punk.
But to stop the cats from doing the doo in your yard or flower beds, sprinkle with crushed moth balls.
Seems to work great and there is no harm to the plants or flowers.

Anonymous said...

Crushed moth balls ... I'll have to do that. Somehow our front flower beds became the community litter box and I hate the neighbors for it! (Well, maybe not hate the *neighbors*, but I hate their cats! Heck, I'm tired of *my* cats! Anyone want a free cat???)

Robin said...

a trick that I discovered was to plant chicken wire underneath the surface of the bark-o-mulch. The cats are unable to dig up the ground and therefore do not use it as a litter box.
However, I am going to have to try the mothball ideas well someday.

Anonymous said...

Tried the wire, tried different chemicals, even tried the red pepper. My mom had the same problem and used an old wives remedy. She soaked rags in vinegar and hung them on sticks at the edge of the flower bed. The cats won't even come in her yard due to the smell.
Nice to know things work but wish we could just get people to take care of their cats. We see ones that are trained to fetch, come when you call them, use a toilet and even swim, so I know they can be trained to use their own litter box instead of everyone elses yard.

Anonymous said...


MAX Redline said...

"But to stop the cats from doing the doo in your yard or flower beds, sprinkle with crushed moth balls."

Cruelty!The poor moths...oh, the humanity!