Sunday, May 03, 2009

businesses: welcome to Oregon... not!

House Business and Labor Committee debated HB 2429 a bill that would force businesses operating under Oregon's enterprise zone program to pay higher prevailing wages on privately financed projects.

Representative Kevin Cameron of Salem warned that the bill would send a message that Oregon is closed for business, in response, Representative Mike Schaufler of Happy Valley stated...
"I want jobs in this state more than anybody and I fought as hard or harder than anybody to make that clear... if someone wants to invest in this state... they're going to have to pay a family wage to invest here... they're going to help us pay for the services that we all need and demand in this state... and I am tired of giving them a hand out... and if they don't want to do that they can go somewhere else... I just cannot say it strongly enough!"

Democrats kill the job creation bill, and later, argue that new taxes and government spending are the only solutions for job growth

1 comment:

Bobkatt said...

Was that last guy Rep. Mike Schaufler or Tony Soprano?