Friday, June 29, 2007

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney say no to congressional subpoenas

Yahoo -- AP news--

Washington -- President Bush rejected subpoenas for documents from former presidential counsel Harriet Miers and former director Sara Taylor as they rejected plans for White House documents and testimony about the firing of US attorneys. The White House made it clear citing executive privilege that neither one will testify.

Presidential counsel Fred Fielding said Bush had made a reasonable attempt at compromise however, Congress forced the confrontation by issuing subpoenas.
" The assertion of executive privilege was the latest turn in increasingly hostile standoffs between the administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress over the Iraq war, executive power, the war on terror and Vice President Dick Cheney's authority. A day earlier, the Senate Judiciary Committee delivered subpoenas to the offices of Bush, Cheney, the national security adviser and the Justice Department about the administration's warrantless wiretapping program "

Senator Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee stated "increasingly, the president and vice president feel that they are above the law."

I ran out of time to do a more in-depth article, however, is still raises the question that I brought up for years is where is the checks and balances in our governmental system?

It is well-known, that once someone gets into office that they can just about do whatever they want and it takes an act of God to do anything about it. And in the 21st century, things can happen so quickly that the current process of dealing with a rogue president or governor for example would take too long before the damage is done.

Perhaps, it is time to borrow parliaments idea and add the option of "no confidence" if at the very least to temporary suspend a public officials powers until a full investigation could be done.


Bobkatt said...

With the recent derailling of the amnesty bill maybe congress can muster up the cajones to rein in these psychotic traitors. I'm pretty confident that a complete exposure of Dick Cheney's shenanigans would make the Nixon administration look good. We don't need a vote of "no confidence", we need a good ol' fashion trial for treason for trying to give away our country, signing treaties that contravene our constitution, and stealing our civil liberties.

Anonymous said...

Considering how many of George's cabinet members jumped ship, I'd say the left overs are probably the guilty ones. Round them all up and let's have a trial. I'm damn tired of being looked at like a war mongering American when I had nothing to do with the decider and his gang. If Bill had to go down for getting frisky in the oval office, why is George getting away with murder?