Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It was just a matter time before the ACLU decided to sue over the crackdowns of the legal aliens


The Puerto Rican legal Defense and education fund, the ACLU and other groups have filed a lawsuit on behalf of 11 Hazelton residents 80 miles from Philadelphia, business owners and three nonprofit groups over an ordinance to fine landlords $1000 for renting to illegal aliens, deny business permits to companies that give them jobs, and make English the city's official language.
The lawsuit, the first in the nation against a city that passed an illegal immigration ordinance claims that the ordinance is discriminatory and unworkable.
"It makes every person who looks or sounds foreign a suspect, including those who are here legally,” Witold Walczak, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, said in a statement. “You might as well just paint a target on every foreigner’s forehead or a sign saying, ‘Please treat me differently.”’
Mayor Lou Barletta, who proposed the ordinance after two illegal immigrants were charged with shooting and killing a man, had no immediate comment. "
frustrated by the inaction in Washington, many cities and states have passed there own measures to restrict or punish illegal immigrants and those who do business with them.
again, people are defending other people who blatantly break the law.
hat tip to Laura for pointing out the story


Anonymous said...

I love the line "please treat me differently"....isn't that what they are asking for? Treat me like I'm legal even though I'm not?!
Even though the Feds have jurisdiction over immigration, I believe states have jurisdiction over the people living within their borders. The constitution guarantees the seperation of Fed. and State governments. I foresee this going to a Supreme Court hearing. Anybody want to start a pool? Could be bigger than the lottery.

Robin said...

it still really gets me that people have lost sight of the real issue... which has nothing to do with race or being racist, it is all about illegal immigration.

unfortunately, the results of the illegal immigration is exactly what the ACLU is afraid of, that it stereotypes people from different cultures.

we can't put all the blame on the illegal aliens either, the blame has to be shared between politicians and greedy corporations that take advantage of these people and encourage them to leave their homes to come here.

I'm so sick of hearing that these people will do the jobs that Americans won't do... if Americans won't do it, then maybe we don't really need "it" that badly.

Scottiebill said...

I have to agree with both Laura and Robin on this one. What is surprising is that the AmINO-CLU took so long in getting into this thing in Hazelton. They have an obsession of getting into controversies where they are not really wanted or needed.

This business in Hazelto will definitely be in the Supreme Court in the next couple of years. In the meantime, the AmINO-CLU will be doing all it can to disrupt something this country has needed for a long time - keeping the illegals out of jobs they do not deserve. If they want to work here, they have to go back to their own country apply for legal immigration and go through the process like good, law-abiding people should. Anything else is just fodder for the AmINO-CLU to feed on, kind of like hyenas on an overripe carcass.

Scottiebill said...

I have to agree with both Laura and Robin on this one. What is surprising is that the AmINO-CLU took so long in getting into this thing in Hazelton. They have an obsession of getting into controversies where they are not really wanted or needed.

This business in Hazelto will definitely be in the Supreme Court in the next couple of years. In the meantime, the AmINO-CLU will be doing all it can to disrupt something this country has needed for a long time - keeping the illegals out of jobs they do not deserve. If they want to work here, they have to go back to their own country apply for legal immigration and go through the process like good, law-abiding people should. Anything else is just fodder for the AmINO-CLU to feed on, kind of like hyenas on an overripe carcass.

Anonymous said...

Be careful when you say greedy corporations. Frankly the federal government has brought forth so many unwanted regulations that it is either causing corporations to hire cheaper labor or leave all together. What is happening now is that the corporations that have left are now facing the prospect of becoming nationalized by the foreign countries they are investing in.

Not only do we need immigration reform but we need true economic reform too. The last President to actually tackle the latter was Reagan. GW has actually failed in this endeavor, especially with a republican controlled congress.

Bobkatt said...

I like the use of AmINO-CLU. American in name only CLU however, I think A-no-CLU is more appropriate. Americans with no clue. Considering their roots they should change their name to the CCLU, the Communist Civil Liberties Union. Or perhaps since they generally challenge everything that made America great they could be the AACLU-the anti American Civil Liberties Union.

Bobkatt said...

Robin and friends,if you are concerned with Federal spending please go to the AFA website and phone or fax our senators concerning a bill that would make spending more transparent by requiring the senate to maintain a website that would show where the money is spent. However, one senator has decided to block this bill anonymously and the fax would ask our senators if they are involved. Please help this bill become a reality. Thank you.

Scottiebill said...

Hey, Bobkatt: I've often referred to them as the alQaeda Civil Liberties Union, too. All of your appellations for them are equally appropriate, though. They can be called just about anything except True Americans. That is something they ain't.

And before I forget it; Did you notice in today's fishwrap that they are chortling that yesterday's ruling by that Carter-appointed judge was a victory in Bush's fight against terrorism?

That statement brands them as truly anti-American and makes them, in my opinion, eligible for prosecution for sedition.