Friday, December 16, 2005

Smoking foes try to stop parents from lighting up

the Washington Times

Anti-smoking activists who are driving cigarettes from public places across the country are now targeting private homes -- especially those with children.
Their efforts so far have contributed to regulations in three states -- Maine, Oklahoma and Vermont -- forbidding foster parents from smoking around children. Parental smoking also has become a critical point in some child-custody cases, including ones in Virginia and Maryland.

In a highly publicized Virginia case, a judge barred Caroline County resident Tamara Silvius from smoking around her children as a condition for child visitation.
Mrs. Silvius, a waitress at a truck stop in Doswell, Va., calls herself "highly disappointed" with the court's ruling.

The smoking-at-home issue also sparked debate about whether such rulings will lead courts to become involved in such matters as parents' making poor TV programming choices for their children.
The nonprofit group Action on Smoking and Health is among the most outspoken on stopping parents from smoking around children.

"Children are the most vulnerable and the most defenseless victims of tobacco smoke," Executive Director John F. Banzhaf III said. "They should be entitled to the same protection as adults."

I'm not a smoker myself, never have however both my parents smoked like a chimney.
I was not too crazy about them smoking... my mother died from lung failure caused from smoking, but that does not mean that I want the government to come in and tell them whether or not they can smoke. As far as secondhand smoke... I would HOPE that the parents would use a little common sense if their child has asthma.


Anonymous said...

Sorry this is off the topic, but did you notice that the sex offender cop that helped drag the Eugene police dept. through the gutter, sexually assaulted Eugene women and cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars, is now eligible to get out of prison more than 2 years early because he completed some classes? Justice my ass.

Robin said...

yes, and I agree... if it had been a any other person they would have the book thrown at them.

Police as a rule should be held to a higher standard than the general public